The Crew

A small band of misfits can cause a whole heap of trouble. Meet some of the senior (yes, we are getting older) team members.

Listings Manager

She knows Amazon so well that we think she might be an informant.

Favorite product: FlipKlip

Favorite Giant Slayer Tool: Support cases…and more support cases


She gladly beta tests all our pet products and occasional human ones too.

Favorite product: Jelly Shots

Favorite Giant Slayer Tool: Drool

Senior Account Manager

She prays to the Amazon Gods to stop charging us for everything.

Favorite product: Coffee

Favorite Giant Slayer Tool: Coffee

President & Founder

He had a premonition that he would work with Amazon as a child when he found himself lost in a Turkish Bazaar.

Favorite product: Couples Therapy Coin

Favorite Giant Slayer Tool: Lawyers

Senior Creative Director

He’s the person who makes your ideas look a tad less crazy.

Favorite product: Hot Sauce

Favorite Giant Slayer Tool: Adobe Photoshop

Creative Director

A pixel pusher with a passion for perfection.

Favorite product: Champagne (not the real kind!)

Favorite Giant Slayer Tool: Paint Brush

Chief Operating Officer

She scoffs at American pizza, while secretly missing a NY slice.

Favorite product: Bitters

Favorite Giant Slayer Tool: Cocktails

Chief People Officer

She shields the team from Amazon insanity. An impossible task.

Favorite product: Stress Support

Favorite Giant Slayer Tool: Hugs

Chief Brand Officer

She’s been crunching numbers since questioning the air to product ratio in her Fruit Loops cereal box.

Favorite product: Gummies

Favorite Giant Slayer Tool: Gummies

Head of Business Development

He traded Aloha sunshine for PNW rain. Go figure.

Favorite product: Range Hero

Favorite Giant Slayer Tool: Golf Club